Praise for Sweet Spots

Available on Amazon in paperback and kindle formats.


“Cochran’s timely and informative book comes from her professional and personal experiences. Her kind and wise reflections offer modern parents both practical help and long-term perspective as they navigate the challenging work and joy of raising children. I heartily recommend it.”

–Mary Pipher, Ph.D., bestselling author of Reviving Ophelia and Women Rowing North


“I love the premise of this book. Psychologists rarely challenge our consumer culture from a mental health standpoint, but in Sweet Spots Suzita Cochran helps parents prioritize what is important for a child’s healthy development. Sweet Spots is chock full of tools to help readers tamp down those anxious impulses and instead cultivate an “attitude of enough” in their children and themselves. Highly recommended!”

–Erica Reischer, Ph.D., author of What Great Parents Do


It’s a got-to-have-it-all, got-to-stay-ahead parenting jungle out there. Suzita Cochran provides myriad battle-tested tips to assist parents in guiding their kids to ENOUGH—perhaps the most important life skill of our modern consumerist age. Following Cochran’s advice will help you and your children achieve more sane, more satisfied and happier lives.”

–Marie Sherlock, author of Living Simply with Children


“There are literally thousands of titles to help moms and dads navigate the rough waters of parenting in our modern age. Each offers a unique point of view, from so-called Tiger parenting to French mothering, attachment parenting to gender-neutral parenting to feminist parenting. Into this overcrowded field of fad advice comes Suzita Cochran, whose simple yet compelling premise is, know what is enough. Cochran offers a thoughtful primer on learning to establish your family’s boundaries and then applying this principle to all facets of family life. Her focus on the principle of “enough” will give parents permission to set limits, redefine their values, and rear their children in a family environment marked by common sense, clarity and conscience. If you choose only one parenting book to guide your thinking on this most important role, Sweet Spots will be enough.”

–Marybeth Hicks, columnist, speaker, and author of Bringing Up GEEKS: How to Protect Your Kid’s Childhood in a Grow-Up-Too-Fast World


“It’s America’s hidden nightmare: we may be the richest country on earth, but our kids are faring poorly compared to those in other wealthy countries. They are more depressed, stressed, and driven by materialism and competition. So, what are parents to do? In Sweet Spots, psychologist Suzita Cochran offers valuable strategies for decreasing children’s demands for evermore stuff, and giving them instead what they really need–time, love, nature. Even if you’re not a parent, you probably know many who can benefit from Cochran’s wisdom, written with an engaging style and a light touch.”

–John de Graaf, co-author of Affluenza: The All-Consuming Epidemic, Take Back Your Time, and What’s the Economy for Anyway?


Sweet Spots is highly readable and extremely relevant. Those two things alone make it unique. Cochran keeps your attention by telling applicable and engaging stories throughout. You will keep this book on hand for its practicality and wisdom.”

–Cecile Andrews, Ph.D., author of Circle of Simplicity, and Less is More.


“This book will help parents move away from the vague but disturbing feeling of scarcity—the sense many have that there’s not enough to go around, and we must fight to get ahead and provide…Sweet Spots not only left me with the settled feeling that there will be sufficient resources for my family and children, but also with an appreciation that there is an abundance of care, love, and time in which my family can thrive.”

-Kim John Payne M.ED., author of Simplicity Parenting